Thursday, March 3, 2011

Licence Of Mountandblade

A film: The student

My dear children, come with a recommendation under the arm: The student , a film by Roberto Girault , which opens here today. Without having seen it, so reliable tip that comes to me, so I suspect the phrase and promotion ( the heart never tires of learning ), I know that comes at the right time. Joyce said

that the soul can never be virgin again, do not know ... But the heart must move on, move on and, of course, learn and unlearn at a time. Parrott wrote that the worst is not the heart to break, since it is made to be broken, the bad thing is that the heart becomes stone. And in those


So now you know: if a weekend of contrasting weather (will not take long snows around here, but tomorrow and Sunday promise), a pasta with cuttlefish and prawns, a reed in a terrace, a pair nap and the first girls in miniskirts, they want to add something good, make no mistake: the cinema and enchúfense lléguense Student . Ahhhh, and, as they tell me, do not forget the tissues.

girls Kisses and hugs to the children.


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